UNITED STATES Constitutional, Time-Line

The following is a key for the various abbreviations used below:

  • AR: Date an Amendment was ratified
  • AP: Date of the passage of a Constitutional Amendment
  • NA: Notable American event
  • NW: Notable World event
  • PR: Presidential term begins
  • SH: Statehood (for original 13 colonies, date Constitution was ratified)
  • WR: An event in a U.S. war

Dates are of format YYYY/MM/DD (year, month, day).

1584/07/13 NA – First landing near Roanoke Island (NC)

1585/06/27 NA – Richard Grenville lands at Roanoke

1607/05/14 NA – First landing at Jamestown (VA)

1620/11/09 NA – Mayflower lands at Plymouth (MA)

1689/05/12 WR – King William’s War begins

1697/09/30 WR – King William’s War ends (Peace of Ryswick)

1702/05/04 WR – Queen Anne’s War begins

1713/04/11 WR – Queen Anne’s War ends (Peace of Utrecht)

1744/03/15 WR – King George’s War begins

1748/10/18 WR – King George’s War ends (Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle)

1754/07/10 NA – The Albany Congress meets

1754/07/03 WR – French and Indian War begins

1763/02/10 WR – French and Indian War ends (Treaty of Paris)

1765/03/22 NA – Declaration of Rights is passed

1770/03/05 NA – Boston Massacre

1773/12/16 NA – Boston Tea Party

1774/03/31 NA – Boston Port Act is passed by Parliament

1774/05/20 NA – Administration of Justice and Massachusetts Government Acts are passed by Parliament

1774/06/02 NA – Quartering Act is passed by Parliament

1774/09/05 NA – First Continental Congress convenes

1774/10/07 NA – Quebec Act is passed by Parliament

1774/10/14 NA – Declaration of Rights and Grievances is passed

1774/10/20 NA – Articles of Association are signed

1775/04/18 WR – American Revolution begins

1775/05/10 NA – Second Continental Congress convenes

1775/07/21 NA – Ben Franklin presents a plan for confederation

1776/06/07 NA – Richard Henry Lee introduces independence resolution

1776/07/04 NA – Declaration of Independence adopted

1776/12/20 NA – Third Continental Congress convenes

1777/11/15 NA – Articles of Confederation proposed

1781/03/01 NA – Articles of Confederation ratified

1783/02/04 WR – English declare hostilities at an end

1783/04/11 WR – America declares hostilities at an end

1784/01/14 WR – Revolutionary War Ends (Treaty of Paris)

1787/05/25 NA – Constitutional Convention opens

1787/09/17 NA – Final draft of the Constitution sent to Congress

1787/12/07 SH – Delaware

1787/12/12 SH – Pennsylvania

1787/12/18 SH – New Jersey

1788/01/02 SH – Georgia

1788/01/09 SH – Connecticut

1788/02/06 SH – Massachusetts

1788/04/28 SH – Maryland

1788/05/23 SH – South Carolina

1788/06/21 SH – New Hampshire

1788/06/21 NA – Constitution Ratified

1788/06/25 SH – Virginia

1788/07/26 SH – New York

1789/03/04 NA – The Constitution goes into effect

1789/04/30 PR – George Washington

1789/07/14 NW – French Revolution

1789/09/25 AP – Amendments 1-10, 27, one unratified amendment

1789/11/21 SH – North Carolina

1790/05/29 SH – Rhode Island

1791/03/04 SH – Vermont

1791/12/15 AR – Amendments 1-10

1792/06/01 SH – Kentucky

1793/03/04 PR – George Washington

1794/03/04 AP – Amendment 11

1795/02/07 AR – Amendment 11

1796/06/01 SH – Tennessee

1797/03/04 PR – John Adams

1801/03/04 PR – Thomas Jefferson

1803/03/01 SH – Ohio

1803/04/30 NA – Louisiana Purchase Treaty signed

1803/12/09 AP – Amendment 12

1804/06/15 AR – Amendment 12

1805/03/04 PR – Thomas Jefferson

1809/03/04 PR – James Madison

1810/05/01 AP – Unratified anti-title amendment

1810/09/16 NW – Mexican independence

1812/04/30 SH – Louisiana

1812/06/18 WR – War of 1812 begins

1813/03/04 PR – James Madison

1814/12/24 WR – War of 1812 ends (Treaty of Ghent)

1815/06/18 NW – Battle of Waterloo  (end of Napoleonic Wars)

1816/12/11 SH – Indiana

1817/03/04 PR – James Monroe

1817/12/10 SH – Mississippi

1818/12/03 SH – Illinois

1819/12/14 SH – Alabama

1820/03/15 SH – Maine

1821/03/05 PR – James Monroe

1821/08/10 SH – Missouri

1825/03/04 PR – John Quincy Adams

1827             NW – Greek Independence

1829/03/04 PR – Andrew Jackson

1833/03/04 PR – Andrew Jackson

1836/06/15 SH – Arkansas

1837/01/26 SH – Michigan

1837/03/04 PR – Martin Van Buren

1839             NW – First Opium War begins

1841/03/04 PR – William Harrison

1841/04/04 PR – John Tyler (following death of Harrison)

1842/08/29 NW – First Opium War ends (Treaty of Nanking)

1842/08/29 NW – Hong Kong ceded to Britain

1845/03/03 SH – Florida

1845/03/04 PR – James Polk

1845/12/29 SH – Texas

1846/04/25 WR – Mexican War begins

1846/12/28 SH – Iowa

1848            NW – Communist Manifesto published

1848            NW – Revolutions in Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Belgium

1848/02/02 WR – Mexican War ends (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo)

1848/05/29 SH – Wisconsin

1849/03/05 PR – Zachary Taylor

1850/07/09 PR – Millard Fillmore (following death of Taylor)

1850/09/09 SH – California

1853/03/04 PR – Franklin Pierce

1857/03/04 PR – James Buchanan

1858/05/11 SH – Minnesota

1859/02/14 SH – Oregon

1860/12/20 NA – South Carolina votes to secede

1861/01/09 NA – Mississippi votes to secede

1861/01/10 NA – Florida votes to secede

1861/01/11 NA – Alabama votes to secede

1861/01/19 NA – Georgia votes to secede

1861/01/26 NA – Louisiana votes to secede

1861/01/29 SH – Kansas

1861/02/01 NA – Texas votes to secede

1861/03/02 AP – Unratified slavery amendment

1861/03/04 PR – Abraham Lincoln

1861/03/11 NA – Confederate Constitution ratified

1861/04/12 WR – Civil War begins (Fort Sumter)

1861/04/17 NA – Virginia votes to secede

1861/05/06 NA – Arkansas votes to secede

1861/05/20 NA – North Carolina votes to secede

1861/06/08 NA – Tennessee votes to secede

1861/10/31 NA – Missouri faction votes to secede

1861/11/20 NA – Kentucky faction votes to secede

1863/06/20 SH – West Virginia

1864/10/31 SH – Nevada

1865/01/31 AP – Amendment 13  ((Nobility/BAR, must be registered as foreign agents ??))  (LOOK for Const. of USA v. Const. for the USA, clam two different const.)

1865/03/04 PR – Abraham Lincoln

1865/04/08 WR – Civil War ends (Lee surrenders to Grant)

1865/04/15 PR – Andrew Johnson (following death of Lincoln)

1865/12/06 AR – Amendment 13

1866/06/13 AP – Amendment 14

1866/07/24 NA – Tennessee readmitted to the Union

1867/03/01 SH – Nebraska

1868/02/24 NA – House impeaches President Johnson

1868/05/16 NA – Senate acquits President Johnson

1868/06/22 NA – Arkansas readmitted to the Union

1868/06/25 NA – Florida readmitted to the Union

1868/07/04 NA – North Carolina readmitted to the Union

1868/07/09 NA – South Carolina readmitted to the Union

1868/07/09 NA – Louisiana readmitted to the Union

1868/07/09 AR – Amendment 14

1868/07/13 NA – Alabama readmitted to the Union

1869/02/26 AP – Amendment 15

1869/03/04 PR – Ulysses Grant

1870/01/26 NA – Viginia readmitted to the Union

1870/02/03 AR – Amendment 15

1870/02/23 NA – Mississippi readmitted to the Union

1870/03/30 NA – Texas readmitted to the Union

1870/07/15 NA – Georgia readmitted to the Union

1871/10/08 NA – Great Chicago Fire

1873/03/04 PR – Ulysses Grant

1876/08/01 SH – Colorado

1877/01       NW – Russo-Turkish War begins

1877/03/03 PR – Rutherford Hayes

1878/06     NW – Russo-Turkish War end (Treaty of San Stefano)

1881/03/04 PR – James Garfield

1881/09/19 PR – Chester Arthur (following death of Garfield)

1885/03/04 PR – Grover Cleveland

1889/03/04 PR – Benjamin Harrison

1889/11/02 SH – North Dakota

1889/11/02 SH – South Dakota

1889/11/08 SH – Montana

1889/11/11 SH – Washington

1890/07/03 SH – Idaho

1890/07/10 SH – Wyoming

1893/03/04 PR – Grover Cleveland

1893/06/27 NA – Stock market crash

1896/01/04 SH – Utah

1897/03/04 PR – William McKinley

1898/04/21 WR – Spanish-American War begins

1898/12/10 WR – Spanish-American War ends (Treaty of Paris)

1898/12/10 NA – Guam, Puerto Rico ceded by Spain

1899/02/04 WR – Philippine-American War begins

1899/10/12 NW – Boer War begins

1901/03/04 PR – William McKinley

1901/09/14 PR – Theodore Roosevelt (following death of McKinley)

1902/05/31 NW – Boer War ends

1902/07/04 WR – Philippine-American War ends

1904/02/08 NW – Russo-Japanese War begins

1905/03/04 PR – Theodore Roosevelt

1905/09/05 NW – Russo-Japanese War ends

1906/04/18 NA – Great San Francisco Earthquake

1907/03/13 NA – Stock market crash

1907/11/16 SH – Oklahoma

1909/03/04 PR – William Taft

1909/07/12 AP – Amendment 16

1912/01/06 SH – New Mexico

1912/02/14 SH – Arizona

1912/02/12 NW – End of China’s Qing Dynasty

1912/04/15 NW – Titanic sinks

1912/05/13 AP – Amendment 17

1913/02/03 AR – Amendment 16

1913/03/04 PR – Woodrow Wilson

1913/04/08 AR – Amendment 17

1913/10/10 NW – Panama Canal completed

1914/06/28 NW – Archduke Ferdinand assassinated, setting off WWI

1917/03/04 PR – Woodrow Wilson

1917/03/15 NW – The Tsar of Russia abdicates

1917/03/31 NA – U.S. purchases the Virgin Islands from Denmark

1917/12/18 AP – Amendment 18

1918/04/02 WR – United States joins WWI

1919/01/16 AR – Amendment 18

1919/06/04 AP – Amendment 19

1919/06/28 WR – WWI officially ends (Treaty of Versailles)

1920/08/18 AR – Amendment 19

1921/03/04 PR – Warren Harding

1923/08/02 PR – Calvin Coolidge (following death of Harding)

1925/03/04 PR – Calvin Coolidge

1926/06/02 AP – Unratified child labor amendment

1929/03/04 PR – Herbert Hoover

1929/10/29 NA – Stock market crash

1932/03/02 AP – Amendment 20

1933/01/23 AR – Amendment 20

1933/02/20 AP – Amendment 21

1933/03/04 PR – Franklin Roosevelt

1933/12/05 AR – Amendment 21

1936/07/18 NW – Spanish Civil War

1937/01/20 PR – Franklin Roosevelt

1939/09/03 NW – WWII begins

1941/01/20 PR – Franklin Roosevelt

1941/12/11 WR – United States joins WWII

1945/01/20 PR – Franklin Roosevelt

1945/04/12 PR – Harry Truman (following death of Roosevelt)

1945/09/02 WR – WWII ends

1946/01/10 NW – First meeting of the UN

1947/03/21 AP – Amendment 22

1947/08/15 NW – Indian and Pakistani Independence

1949/01/20 PR – Harry Truman

1949/10/01 NW – Communist China established

1950/06/25 WR – Korean War begins

1951/02/27 AR – Amendment 22

1953/01/20 PR – Dwight Eisenhower

1953/07/27 WR – Korean War ends

1957/01/21 PR – Dwight Eisenhower

1957/10/04 NW – USSR launches Sputnik

1959/01/03 SH – Alaska

1959/08/21 SH – Hawaii

1960/06/17 AP – Amendment 23

1961/01/20 PR – John Kennedy

1961/04/17 NW – Bay of Pigs invasion

1961/03/29 AR – Amendment 23

1962/08/27 AP – Amendment 24

1962/10    NA – Cuban Missile Crisis

1963/11/22 PR – Lyndon Johnson (following death of Kennedy)

1964/01/23 AR – Amendment 24

1964/08/07 WR – Vietnam War begins (Gulf of Tonkin Resolution)

1965/01/20 PR – Lyndon Johnson

1965/07/06 AP – Amendment 25

1967/02/10 AR – Amendment 25

1969/01/20 PR – Richard Nixon

1971/03/23 AP – Amendment 26

1971/07/01 AR – Amendment 26

1972/03/22 AP – Unratified equal rights amendment

1973/01/20 PR – Richard Nixon

1973/03/29 WR – Vietnam War ends (last U.S. troops leave Vietnam)

1974/08/09 PR – Gerald Ford (following resignation of Nixon)

1977/01/20 PR – Jimmy Carter

1978/08/22 AP – Unratified D.C. voting rights amendment

1979/11/04 NW – Iranian militants seize U.S. embassy

1981/01/20 PR – Ronald Reagan

1982/06/30 NA – Unratified equal rights amendment expires

1985/01/20 PR – Ronald Reagan

1985/08/22 NA – Unratified D.C. voting rights amendment expires

1989/01/20 PR – George H. W. Bush

1990/10/03 NW – Reunification of Germany

1991/01/17 WR – Gulf War begins

1991/02/27 WR – Gulf War ends

1992/01/01 NW – USSR dissolved

1992/05/07 AR – Amendment 27

1993/01/20 PR – William Clinton

1997/01/20 PR – William Clinton

1998/12/19 NA – House impeaches President Clinton

1999/02/12 NA – Senate acquits President Clinton

1999/03/24 WR – Kosovo Conflict begins

1999/06/10 WR – Kosovo Conflict ends

2001/01/20 PR – George W. Bush

2001/09/11 NA – Terrorists attack New York and Washington D.C.

2001/09/14 WR – Congress authorizes use of force for war on terrorism

2003/03/19 WR – Iraq War begins

2005/01/20 PR – George W. Bush

2009/01/20 PR – Barack Obama

2010/08/31 WR – Iraq War ends

About Paul John Hansen

Paul John Hansen -Foremost I love the Lord, His written Word, and the Elect Family of God. -My income is primarily derived from rental properties, legal counsel fees, selling PowerPoint presentations. -I am a serious student of territorial specific law, and constitutional limitations of the US and STATE Governments. -I have been in court over 250 times. -I have received numerous death threats that appear as to come from NEBRASKA STATE agents. -I have been arrested an estimated 8 times. Always bogus false warrants, misdemeanor charges. (Mostly Municipal Housing Codes, or related acts.) -I file no Federal Income Taxes (1040 Form) since the year 2001. (No filings in any form.) -I pay no State income taxes. -I do not pay STATE sales tax on major purchases. -I pay no COUNTY property taxes with out a judicial challenge. ( I believe I have discovered a filing for record process that takes my land off the tax roles. ) -I currently use no State drivers license, carry no vehicle liability insurance, do not register my automobiles. -I do not register to vote for any representatives. -I am a 'free inhabitant' pursuant to Article 4 of The Articles of Confederation. (Not a US citizen.) -I am subject to the Church jurisdiction, and a strong advocate of full ecclesiastical independence from the United States jurisdiction. -I believe in full support of the perpetual Union as found in the Articles of Confederation. -I believe that a free inhabitant has the lawful standing to choose to live independent of the constitutional corporate US governments, and its statutory courts in the vast majority of his daily life, and to be forced to do otherwise is slavery. -I believe that most all US written law is constitutional, but most all of that same law is misapplied upon jurisdictions where it has no force and effect of law and the bar association has perfected a system of keeping the people from knowing its true application. Order my 5$ presentation 'Free Inhabitant One A', for the truth in limited jurisdiction of all US written law.
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