Monthly Archives: November 2016

UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF L AW, Hansen Charged, does not apply because…. >> STATE OF NEBRASKA EXREL. COMMISSION ON UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW, v. HANSEN      ___ N.W.2d ___Filed June 14, 2013. No. S-12-475. >> They forgot to mention that I have never practiced law ever, not charged one time, … Continue reading

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Judge Mathis, how does it really work.

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Wells Fargo Bank get 25$ of 54,000$ and after 8 years gives up, WHY?

Today is 11-4-2016. In case 1077-560 Paul John Hansen v. Wells Fargo Bank 2007 Wells got a judgement of 54k$ for legal fees from Hansen, in the case Hansen sues the bank for creating computer generated credit, which is a … Continue reading

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