Monthly Archives: September 2013

Lack of challenging the applied definition of motor vehicle lost this Appeal.

(((PJH = comments by Paul John Hansen.))) (((The >>> <<< in this document are placed there by PJH for attention to those words.))) (((Yet it all boils down to only a motor vehicle needs registration / license to operate.  This … Continue reading

Posted in Motor Vehicle Defined, Travel / A Right / MSO | 1 Comment

Travel, who owns the road, is jurisdictional. It’s at the very bottom of the page on the link above….i pasted it below and highlighted in red. HIGHWAY. A passage or road through the country, or some parts of it, for the use of the people. 1 … Continue reading

Posted in Travel / A Right / MSO | 1 Comment

Manufacturers Statement of Origin (MSO), Certificate of Origin.

See what one looks like. Certificate of Origin HL  Click HERE to view the list of foundational information created by Lawyer Paul John Hansen to aid in independence from the US System. Done in free, need done in … Continue reading

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