Monthly Archives: February 2011

Arrested for safely parking, $400 fine.

I was in a rough area of town, no one around, cops followed me, in past I have been threatened by cops, they said they were going to pull me over sometime, tape drugs under my car and put me … Continue reading

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Land Patent, Proof of non-USA owned land.

Each township (See township grid) were sub-divided into thirty-six “sections” of one square mile (2.59 km) or 640 acres. One can/should have a location by “township” and not use the CITY, STATE, or COUNTY, or with the USA / US … Continue reading

Posted in Land Patent | 4 Comments

I.D. / Identification / Non-State

Private Identification / Affidavit of Standing / Calling Name / and mailing location. name- Paul John Hansen class- native-born Nebraskan. A “free inhabitant” as pursuant to free inhabitant found in Artivle IV, Articles of confederation 1777. Born on the day … Continue reading

Posted in Identification / Private | 2 Comments

Bank Must Have Promissory Note

Inflation, why before the Federal Reserve System there was virtually no inflation (money keep its buying power)? Why is it that you can not get any real return on your money in the bank? Bank pays you 1.5%, and inflation … Continue reading

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Credit Card Issues

CREDIT CARDS v. DEBIT CARDS Credit cards are just that “credit”. Banks can not lend their credit, says the US Supreme Courts. Banks can only legally lend depositors money. Credit card companies do not have any substantial depositors. Therefore are … Continue reading

Posted in Bank / Credit Cards | 2 Comments

Judges taking County Bribes Ranked #10 by Paul Hansen -Judicial Tyranny Disbarred Attorney reveals paid off judges, Richard I. Fine. 18 months for refusing to stop an Recusal against the setting Judge. He get 18 moth in solitary confinement for proving judge bribery. … Continue reading

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Law, Passing, Bill, Promulgation

Some Legal researchers say that most laws, for the last 60+ years, on the books today, are not true law, but only have force of color of law if challenged. Each Law must have the following: 1. Bill presented to … Continue reading

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BANKS-The History of the House of Rothschild

The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock Notes: Hitchcock also wrote a history for the bankers: DarylBradfordSmith_Bankers.htm One of our listeners added images and photos and turned this Rothschild document into a PowerPoint presentation. It is very … Continue reading

Posted in Banking/Money Issues, History / Time-Line | Leave a comment

US Depts – Gov, Depts

U.S. Debts. (This is only Gov. Depts. not including private Depts.) US$ 14,111, 498,654, 077.88  (That is 14 trillion.) Debt Per American Citizen     (Per Citizen not tax-paying, only 2/3 max pay.) US$ 45, 426.00                      (That is 45 thousand from … Continue reading

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Nebraska Judges getting rich off you.

Douglas County Judges make 90K per year plus $120/hour commission: Click on document several times to enlarge.

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