Category Archives: IRS 6203 Demand

Thomas Hird, Document 71, IRS Tax Case, 4:19CR3038

What the IRS refused the Jury to see, would completely proven ‘no intent‘ for Defendant Hird. Denial of a fair trial. Denial of a defense. Denial of placing your evidence before the jury. They also denied Paul John Hansen as … Continue reading

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IRS, self-assessment, Never Self Assess Yourself !!!

Hansen has not filed for sixteen years, IRS, or State refuses to get a legal claim. I have not filed since the year of 2000, that is when I cam to understand that the 1040 IRS Tax Form was a … Continue reading

Posted in IRS, IRS / Assessment / 6203, IRS 6203 Demand, self-assessment | Leave a comment

NOTICE by – Lien, Levy, IRS must follow…..

NOTICE – Lien, Levy, IRS must follow….. First it is all about NOTICE. IRS generally sends you two BILLS for a tax due, generally thirty days apart. Then, if you do not respond adequately in there opinion, they send a … Continue reading

Posted in IRS, IRS / Assessment / 6203, IRS / TAX COURT / NO, IRS 6203 Demand, IRS Liens, Levy, Lien / Common Law | Leave a comment

Challenging the IRS Lien with a 6203 assessment demand.

Understanding a Federal Tax Lien A federal tax lien is the government’s legal “claim” against your property when you neglect or fail to pay a tax debt. The lien is a “claim” that protects the government’s interest in all your … Continue reading

Posted in IRS, IRS / Assessment / 6203, IRS 6203 Demand, IRS Liens | Leave a comment

6203 IRS Assessment Request, 50+ IRS Wins.

See how a simple letter demanding an assessment from the IRS has keep them away for more than 10 years even though I was making 15K$ each month. The letter was created by a lawyer (ED SHELL – deceased on … Continue reading

Posted in IRS, IRS / Assessment / 6203, IRS 6203 Demand | 1 Comment


The IRS CODE says that if the IRS wants to make a allegation that a tax is owed they must put it in writing, IF demanded by you, and then they must sign it. One “X” IRS agent said; “95% … Continue reading

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